Wireless charging coil – connection with mini DIN plug


The charging coil is waterproof enclosed in an aluminum housing and can be attached to any of our spring lock holders.

Contents of the package:
– 1 pc MCB-941
– A2 screws M3 2 pieces
– Connection cable with mini DIN plug

SKU: MCB-943 Categories: ,

Depending on the phone model, the charging coil consumes 12-15 WATT of power, of which at least 85% is actually used for charging.
An average 3600mAh battery is expected to fully charge in 1.5 hours. If the phone does not recognize the different charging voltage profiles, a charging current of 1800 mA should be expected. However, in this case, you can also charge the battery to 100% in 2-2.5 hours.
The charging power is sufficient, even if apps with high power requirements are running on the phone, such as a navigation app.
It is attached using the two included A2 screws.
The connection to the motorcycle is made using the included cable and the control electronics directly on the mini-DIN plug of your motorcycle.
It is important to pull the plug during longer breaks in operation (over 1 week), as in this case there is a higher no-load current.

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